APY Boosting System

The power of the community

Our APY boosting mechanism is a cutting-edge feature that utilizes the power of smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi) to provide bYZ token holders with the opportunity to increase their returns on investment.

Working mechanism

The mechanism works by allowing bYZ token holders to lock their tokens in a common pool. When enough tokens are locked in the pool, the smart contract is triggered, and the APY for all investors is increased by 15%.

This is made possible by the use of automated market maker (AMM) algorithms, which adjust the pool's liquidity based on supply and demand. When more tokens are locked in the pool, the AMM algorithm increases the liquidity, resulting in a higher APY for all investors.

Main Features

Our APY boosting mechanism is built on a trustless, decentralized platform, ensuring that all participants can benefit from the increased returns without having to rely on a central authority. This makes it an ideal tool for those looking to maximize their returns while minimizing risk.

By participating in boosting mechanism, bYZ token holders can work together to achieve a common goal - increasing the overall APY for everyone in the pool. And when the APY is increased, all investors benefit from higher returns on their investment.

In conclusion, our APY boosting mechanism is a powerful tool that leverages the benefits of DeFi to provide bYZ token holders with the opportunity to increase their returns on investment. It's a win-win for all participants in our ecosystem, and we invite you to join us and start boosting your returns today.

Last updated